The 2024 Solar Eclipse

By Jake Meinershagen

Here are some of my pictures from the solar eclipse. I plan on doing some more and writing a bit of a log about the experience, but figured I would go ahead and get these up while people aren't yet tired of me talking about it.

One of my fellow ASKC members, Mitchell Cloud, made an amazing 360 video of totality that you should definitely go check out.

Sketches of the Eclipse from the beggining of partial to totality I accidentaly wrote the 'e' in chromosphere over Venus.

Sketches of the Eclipse from just after totality to the end Sketches of the Eclipse from just after totality to the end

A sketch of totality done a few minutes after totality ended A sketch of totality done a few minutes after totality ended

Picture of sun filtering through collander Picture of sun filtering through collander

Me and my brother in the beggining partial phases Me and my brother in the beggining partial phases